42a mos death rate
42a mos death rate

42a mos death rate 42a mos death rate

SFC H was an outstanding asset to the 51st Fighter Wing (FW), 8th FW, the 7th Air Force (AF) and the 3rd BCD-K. SFC H was instrumental in helping the 3rd BCD navigate the COVID-19 pandemic by developing the BCD's sponsorship and reception program, streamlining the administrative reporting metrics from 3BCD to 7th AF and 8th Army, and created a method to ensure new Soldiers to the BCD would be able to complete their quarantine with access to internet, cell phones and ensured they had an established residence with all daily essential needs already provided. SFC H wore two hats as the Plans NCOIC and the BCD HQ NCOIC. He modernized the 51st Fighter Wing's plan to include drone and insurgent threat considerations. SFC H applied the same leadership and skill when the 51st Fighter Wing revised an existing base defense plan. SFC H's dynamic and enthusiastic leadership and skill was essential to the 8th Fighter Wing security counsel rewriting the ground base defense plan and merging it with a new airborne base defense plan which increased base security and met the Wing Commander's top priority. SFC H trained over 87 Airmen and an additional 46 Airmen at Osan Airbase between his time at the 8th and 51st Fighter Wings. As the Fire Support NCO for the 8th Fighter Wing at Kunsan Airbase, SFC H built a program to train Security Forces Airmen in Emergency Close Air Support, ground to air communications procedures, and small unit battle drills and tactics. His dedication to service proved paramount throughout his entire term of positions. SFC H served with distinction, honor, and commitment to the Army.

42a mos death rate